Museum Publications
The Nias Heritage Museum is actively researching and documenting the history and culture of Nias. The results of this work have been published in many books in several languages. So far the following book titles have been published and are available for sale at the museum:
1. Asal-usul Masyarakat Nias, Suatu Interpretasi
The origins of the people of Nias, an Interpretation
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. 2nd Edition published 2016
Content: About the Origins of Nias people based on studies of oral traditions as well as archaeological and genetic evidence and results of DNA tests.
Language: Indonesian. 244 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-6-1
Price: Rp. 150.000, -
2. OMO NIHA – Perahu darat di pulau bergoyang
OMO NIHA – Land boat on the swaying island
Author: Nata'alui Duha. Published 2012
Contents: A variety of interesting stories about the background of Nias Traditional Houses and indigenous villages with the idea to preserve it into a cultural tourist attraction. Illustrated with 170 color photos.
Language: Indonesian. 289 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-3-0
Price: Rp. 80.000, -
3. Ritus Patung Harimau
Rites of the tiger statue
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2005
Contents: About the customary laws surrounding the purification rituals and ancient beliefs in Maniamölö community, South Nias.
Language: Indonesian. 267 p.
ISBN: 979-97549-6-X
Price: Rp 40.000, -
4. Pasukan Belanda di kampung Para Penjagal
Dutch troops in the village of butchers
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2013
Contents: Stories from the Resistance war against Dutch Colonial Troops in the Fau area in South Nias. Chronological History of events in Nias as well as various historical documents from overseas.
Language: Indonesian. 58 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-7-8
Price: Rp. 20.000, -
5. Hilizamofo
Village of the Ancestors
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. & Nata'alui Duha. Published 2015
Contents: Overview of descendants of the ancestor of the Mölö clan from Hili'amaetaniha village. Additional Information about development, traditions and customs in the village of Hili'amaetaniha.
Language: Indonesian & Nias. 275 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-9-2
Price: Rp. 75.000, -
6. Turia Mazinö
Stories from the Mazinö region
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2016
Contents: Historical records from the traditional territory, (öri) in the Mazinö area. Outlines the origin of the indigenous communities in the region and recounts stories from the mysterious figure Eve and his feats of magic, as well as other local characters.
Language: Indonesian & Nias.
ISBN: 978-602-72287-1-9
Price: Rp 55.000-
7. Daeli Sanau Talinga dan Tradisi lisan di Onowaembo Idanoi
Daeli Sanau Talinga and other oral traditions from Onowaembo Idanoi
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2005
Contents: Historic records and stories about the ancestors named Daeli and their descendants named Gea who started many large clans and spread throughout all of Nias island.
Language: Indonesian. 120 p.
ISBN: 979-95749-3-5
Price: Rp 40.000, -
8. Tanaman Obat Tradisional Nias
Traditional Medicinal Plants of Nias
Author: A collaboration between the staff of Nias Heritage Museum and local Traditional Medicine Practitioners.
Contents: Medicinal plants on Nias, their benefits and use.
Language: Indonesian.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-1-6
Price: Rp. 40.000, -
9. Gerakan Agama Fa’awösa khö Yesu (AFY) di pulau Nias
The religious Movement Fa'awösa Kho Yesu (AFY) on Nias
Author: Dr. W.A. Ginsel. Published 2008
Translated by: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap.
Contents: Notes on the movement of the first sect of Protestants on the island that broke away from the main church.
Language: Indonesian. 88 p.
ISBN: 979-95749-2-7
Price: Rp. 25.000, -
10. Tuturan Tiga Sosok Nias
Three oral stories from Nias
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2008
Contents: Three orals stories about tradition and history from around Nias: about the region Idano Mola, the presence of the Polem clan originating from Aceh in Gunungsitoli and the Bugis people of the Maru clan in Hinako Islands.
Language: Indonesian. 187 p.
ISBN: 978-95749-9-2
Price: Rp. 45.000, -
11. Tuturan Tiga Sosok Nias II
Three oral stories from Nias II
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2019
Contents: Interviews with three interviewees about the history and traditions of the Idanö Mola region, the presence of Acehnese surnamed Polem in Gunungsitoli and Bugis surnamed Maru in Hinako.
Language: Indonesian. Pages: 230
ISBN: 978-979-95749-9-2
Price: Rp. 60,000
12. Sampai ke pulau-pulau yang jauh
To the distant islands
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2009
Contents: The arrival and work of Catholic Capuchin missionaries from Germany on Nias Island (1955-1965).
Language: Indonesian. 185 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-0-9
Price: Rp. 35.000, -
13. Lawaendröna – si pencari kehidupan abadi hingga ke bulan
Lawaendröna - seeker of eternal life of the moon
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published in 2013
Contents: Various poems that recounts the search for eternal life of Nias people and the foundation of trust of the Nias community.
Language: There is an Indonesian and a German edition of this book. 176 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-4-7
Price: Rp. 45.000, -
14. Sejarah Gereja Katolik di Pulau Nias
The history of the Catholic Church on the island of Nias
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2015
Contents: History of the early arrival of Catholicism on Nias and the life of missionaries from France, the Netherlands and Germany.
Language: Indonesian. 325 p.
ISBN: 978-602-95999-8-5
Price: Rp. 55.000, -
15. Kapita Selekta (Buku Baru)
Kapita Selecta (New Book)
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2022
Contents: This book contains a collection of several histories of Nias' relations with other regions across the sea.
Language: Indonesian. Pages: 88
ISBN: 978-623-9827-24-3
Price: Rp. 90,000
16. Sinunö Wangesa (Buku Baru)
Sinunö Wangesa (New Book)
Author: Nias Heritage Museum Staff. Published 2022
Contents: A Theology of Revival on Nias.
Language: Nias, Indonesian, English. Pages: 88
ISBN: 978-602-7228-78-8
Price: Rp. 60,000
17. Katolog Koleksi Museum Pusaka Nias II
Nias Heritage Museum Collection Catalogue II
Author: Nias Heritage Museum Staff. Published 2011.
Contents: Description of the collection is on display in the pavilion II at the Nias Heritage Museum.
Language: Indonesia & English. 119 p.
ISBN: 978-602-9620-00-5
Price: Rp. 40.000, -
18. Ensiklopedia Pusaka Nias
Encyclopedia of Nias Heritage
Author: Nias Heritage Museum Staff. Published 2011.
Contents: Contains a list of different types of natural and cultural heritage on the island of Nias accompanied by an explanation.
Language: Indonesian. 121 p.
ISBN: 978-602-9280-01-2
Price: Rp. 30.000, -
19. Famatö Harimao
The Tiger statue ceremony
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 1986.
Contents: An overview of the ancient beliefs in the Maniamölö community, South Nias and changes in traditional laws and purification rituals involved in the tiger statue ceremony.
Language: Nias. 281 p.
Price: Rp 25.000, -
20. Omo Sebua
Traditional Nias Chiefs House
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 1990
Contents: The story about the origins of the establishment Chiefs Houses (Omo Sebua) or Lasara houses (Omo Nifolasara) in Maniamölö Territory, South Nias.
Language: Nias. 188 p.
(Out of stock but available at the Museum Library)
21. Hikaya Nadu
History of the Ancestor Sculptures
Author: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 1995
Contents: Stories about the statues and sculptures called Adu, which are associated with ancient beliefs and feasts in Nias society.
Language: Nias . 668 p.
Price: Rp 50.000, -
22. Nidunö-dunö ba Nöri Onolalu
Stories from Onolalu region
Author: P. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap.1999
Contents: Stories about traditions and history of the Onolalu region in South Nias.
Language: Nias. 162 p.
Price: Rp. 25.000, -
23. Nidunödunö Somasido Urongo
Stories I like to hear
Author: Fangehao Matias Zebua (Ama Aslina)
Contents: The history of the origin of Nias people, the spread of Nias people in West Nias , customary law and the fight against Dutch and Japanese occupiers.
Language: Nias. 127 p.
ISBN: 978-602-7227-0-2
Price: Rp. 45.000,-
24. Manö-Manö Nono Niha Auli Tetunö 1 (Buku Baru)
Manö-Manö Nono Niha Auli Tetunö 1 (New Book)
Author: HS. Zebua. 2021
Contents: Local content textbooks (MULOK) for primary schools that are adapted to the characteristics of the Nias regional language.
Language: Nias. Pages: 79
ISBN: 978-623-9827-20-5
Price: IDR 45,000
25. Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 3 (Buku Baru)
Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 3 (New Book)
Author: HS. Zebua. 2021
Contents: Local content textbooks (MULOK) for primary schools that are adapted to the characteristics of the Nias regional language.
Language: Nias. Pages: 74
ISBN: 978-623-9827-22-9
Price: IDR 45,000
26. Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 4 (Buku Baru)
Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 4 (New Book)
Author: HS. Zebua. 2021
Contents: Local content textbooks (MULOK) for primary schools that are adapted to the characteristics of the Nias regional language.
Language: Nias. Pages: 72
ISBN: 978-623-9827-23-6
Price: IDR 45,000
27. Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 5 (Buku Baru)
Suara Wamahaö Ba Li Nono Niha 5 (New Book)
Author: HS. Zebua. 2021
Contents: Local content textbooks (MULOK) for primary schools that are adapted to the characteristics of the Nias regional language.
Language: Nias. Pages: 81
ISBN: 978-602-7228-79-5
Price: IDR 45,000.
28. Traditional Architecture of Nias Island - Indonesia
Author: Alain M. Viaro & Arlette Ziegler. Published 2006
Content: Information and technical explanations about traditional Nias Architecture, the customs and traditions associated with living in a traditional Nias house.
Language: English. 101 p.
ISBN: 979-95749-5-1
Price: Rp. 65.000, - (out of stock but available at the Museum Library).
29. Dann Frage Den Dreikopf
Ask the Triple head
Editor: P. Johannes M. Hammerle, OFMCap. Published 2005
Contents: Various stories and songs from Onohondrö Village, South Nias
Language: German. 161 p.
Price: Rp 35.000,-
30. Jalan Salib Megalitik
The Megalithic way of the cross
Author: Hadrian Hess OFMCap. Published 2016
Content: documentation of the living megalithic culture of Nias and examples of enculturation where megaliths and stone art have been incorporated in Christian art and decoration.
Language: Indonesian. 52 p.
Price: Rp 30.000,-
31. Maena Nias - Sarana Penyampaian Pesan dan Kisah Hidup Orang Nias
Maena Nias - A Means of Conveying the Messages and Life Stories of Nias People
Compilation Team: Fr. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap, Amonius Halawa, Hezatulö Ndruru, and Fr. Romanus Giawa, OFMCap, 2018
Content: A collection of Maena Nias songs in the life of Ono Niha.
Language: Indonesian. Pages:147
Price: Rp. 60.000,-
32. Das Herz Von Hia Spricht Die Ubevölkerung von Nias, indonesien
The heart of Hia speaks The indigenous people of Nias, Indonesia
P. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap
Language: German. Pages:402
Price: Rp. 823,000 (Out of stock, available in the Museum library for copying or reading)
33. Hoho Nias Selatan - Paduan Syair yang Berseni, Bersejarah dan Berkesan
Hoho South Nias - A blend of artful, historic and memorable poetry
Price: IDR 75,000
Product No: MPN-2022-01
ISBN : 978-623-98272-5-0
Author : P.. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap.
Weight : 220 gr
In 1990 we published a book called Omo Sebua, and it turned out that the most popular with our dear readers were the oldest poems, the Hohó songs. Now the time has come to republish the book. But the second part of the first publication was left out, and only the first part, the Hohó songs, was republished. But there is a special feature. In the first edition the Hohó songs were presented only in Nias language. Now, in the second edition, the Indonesian translations have been added, thanks to the hard work of Mrs. Marlina Duha aka Ina Friel.
One more Hohó song, Silewe Amozua Ere, was added by Antonius Fasa'a Hondrö, aka Ama Waigi from Onohondrö village. The two villages, Onohondrö and Hilinawalö, are very close to each other. Their traditions are also closely related.
34. Apa Kabar Nias Barat - Kumpulan Artikel (Refleksi Dinamika Pemerintahan 2016-2020)
Apa Kabar Nias Barat - A Collection of Articles (Reflection on the Dynamics of Government 2016-2020)
Price: IDR 70,000
Product No: MPN-2022-02
Author : Adrianus Aroziduhu Gulö.
Weight : 200 gr
Ir. Soekarno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, once said, never forget history, known by the acronym Jasmerah. This phrase is relevant to the content of the book you are reading. A number of events are recorded through writing and made as the author's reflection on various social and political events that are experienced, felt, heard by himself, so that we still remember what happened some time ago.
remember what happened some time ago. All of my thoughts, concerns, and anxieties are expressed through simple words, flowing as they are. The title Apa Kabar Nias Barat? was chosen from one of the article titles in this book as a further reflection. After finishing reading this book, we should immediately see what West Nias is like now? Is it doing well? Or is it still like many of the stories told by the author through this book?
35. Demokrasi Kita Masih Abu-Abu - Kumpulan Artikel (Refleksi Empiris Saat Ikut Pileg dan Pilkada)
Our Democracy is Still Gray - A Collection of Articles (Empirical Reflections when Participating in Pileg and Pilkada)
Price: IDR 65,000
Product No: MPN-2022-03
Author : Adrianus Aroziduhu Gulö.
Weight : 220 gr
There is a very famous term, “one day for us, five years for you”. This is to describe when a candidate for regional head or people's representative gives 'money' to be elected by citizens'. It is as if the money given is used up for one day by the recipient.
Becoming a regional head or people's representative is not something easy. It takes extra effort to attract the attention of the community and of course a lot of money. It is often disguised as 'political fare', 'tired money', and so on. Voters are given money to replace gasoline when going to the voting booth. In fact, this is clearly against the rules. Contestants who do not have money, even though they have good programs and ideals, can be guaranteed not to be elected. Conversely, contestants with a lot of money, a lot of promises, good at rhetoric, and taking all means can be the winner. This political condition is recorded and written straightforwardly as it is by the author. Until when will our politics not be as gray as it is today?
36. Saling Curiga Karena Covid - Kumpulan Artikel (Refleksi Empiris Selama Covid-19)
Mutual Suspicion Because of Covid - A Collection of Articles (Empirical Reflections During Covid-19)
Price: IDR 65,000
Product No: MPN-2022-04
Author : Adrianus Aroziduhu Gulö.
Weight : 220 gr
No one expected the impact of Covid-19 to be what it has been. Since the beginning of its existence, this virus has torn apart the traditions and social life order of the community. Regional quarantine makes movement restricted. Not a few lives were lost. The condition in Gunungsitoli City is not much different from other areas. Many relatives and friends have fallen victim to the ferocity of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus. On the other hand, mutual suspicion is inevitable.
Wearing masks everywhere, avoiding physical contact, and maintaining distance have become new habits. Inevitably, the Covid-19 virus has changed everything. Thankfully, the vaccine came soon after almost a year of mourning. The author's reflection as one of the survivors is outlined in this book. Happy reading.
37. Alat Musik Tradisional Nias
Nias Traditional Musical Instruments
Price: IDR 75,000
Product No: MPN-2022-05
Author : Faozisökhi Laia, S.Pd.
Weight : 200 gr
38. Hidup, Panggilan dan Karya P. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap.
Life, vocation and works of Fr. Johannes M. Hämmerle, OFMCap.
Price: IDR 80,000
Product No: MPN-2023-01
ISBN : 978-623-88607-0-8
Author : Tolona Giawa
Weight : 225 gr
The desire of some for a written source about Father Johannes and his works including the Nias Heritage Foundation / Nias Heritage Museum has certainly been fulfilled through this book, albeit imperfectly. What really impressed the people of Nias - as well as some Indonesians and even foreigners - was his faithfulness in fulfilling his vocation as a Capuchin Priest but giving time to the establishment and development of the Nias Heritage Foundation / Nias Heritage Museum. Of course, this is all due to the grace of God, the commissioning and support of the Capuchin Order and all those who have been involved in helping him.
39. Amaedola, Hendri-Hendri, Hiwö Ba Böli Hae.
Amaedola, Hendri-Hendri, Hiwö Ba Böli Hae.
Price: IDR 55,000
Product No: MPN-2024-01
ISBN : 978-623-88607-2-2
Author : Herman Nurudin Lase
Weight : 250 gr
This book reflects the diversity and richness of Nias culture as reflected in various aspects of daily life. Amaedola takes readers deep into the imaginative world of Nias' ancestors with his tales of legends and myths. Meanwhile, Hendri-hendri displays the depth of spirituality and togetherness through his distinctive rituals in community life. Hiwö, with its oral poetry and traditional songs, presents the beauty and authenticity of Nias oral arts. Böli Hae, with its mesmerizing tales of heroism, inspires values of courage and unity.
40. Amaedola
Price: IDR 75,000
Product No: MPN-2023-01
ISBN : 978-623-88607-1-5
Author : Amonius Amoni Mendröfa
Weight : 260 gr
Amaedola's book provides deep insight and fascinating enlightenment, taking us on a thought-provoking and inspiring journey.
This book is the work of Amonius Amoni Mendröfa aka Ama Asal Firman from Öri Lasara Tanöse'ö. Although he passed away at the young age of 53, we feel the loss of a gifted informant and thinker. However, his legacy lives on in his work, bringing unforgettable light and influence to many.

P. JOHANNES HÄMMERLE. Born in Germany, he came to Nias as a Catholic missionary in 1971. He became an Indonesian citizen in 1981. In 1991 he founded the Nias Heritage Foundation. He has written several books about Nias in German, Indonesian and Nias language.

NATA’ALUI DUHA. Born in Hilimondregeraya village in south Nias. While studying to become an English teacher he started working with the museum in 1991. In 2013 he became the Director of the Museum. He is the author of the book Omo Niha and have edited several other books published by the museum.

MATIAS FENGEHAO ZEBUA. Lived in the village of Ononamölö in the Mandrehe area of West Nias. He was passionate about Nias culture and had great knowledge about local traditions. He wrote the book Nidunödunö Somasido Urongo in Nias language.

HADRIAN HESS. Worked as a missionary on Nias between 1975 – 2014. Fluent in the local language he translated many religious texts and books to Nias language. He co-authored the book Jalan Salib Megalitik di Pulau Nias.

ALAIN VIARO. Prof. Viaro and A. Ziegler from Switzerland travelled extensively in Nias since 1977 to conduct research on the architecture and culture of Nias. Their work has resulted in many articles in several languages and the book ‘The traditional architecture of the island of Nias’.

The Museum Pusaka Nias operates a library specializing in books related to the culture, history and heritage of Nias Island. The Museum library is open to the public and has become an important point of reference for local students and visiting researchers.

There are over 700 books in the library. Most books focus on Nias culture and history, but there are also other interesting books. The library is open Monday - Friday during normal business hours (8 am - 5 pm).

This library has become a popular public facility, especially for local students. If you want to search for information about the Nias Island and its culture, the library is waiting for you.