Genetic Research on Nias Island and Published Findings.

Genetic research on Nias Island and published findings. (Die Forschung und ihre publizierten Ergebnisse zur Genetik von Nias) 1. Apology. Genetic research on Nias Island has been ongoing between the two parties since 2001: 1. Dr. med. Ingo Kennerknecht; and 2. Johannes M. Hämmerle OFM Cap as Founder and Director

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Critically Endangered Silvery Pigeons discovered at the Museum Zoo

The Nias Heritage Museum maintains a small zoo with animals native to Nias for educational purposes. During a stock take of resident animals in September 2016 all but two birds could be identified. Initially the birds were thought to be either Pied Imperial Pigeons or some strain of feral pigeons.

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Heritage conservation training in Cambodia

A special event, a six weeks archaeological conservation course in Phnom Penh, Cambodia was attended by director of our museum Nata’alui Duha (Ama Pristine) and our curator Faozisökhi Laia (Ama Detra). They also joined the GACP conservation team for Angkor Wat and other famous temples in Siem Reap. Dr. Andreas

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Meeting of 250 museum directors

Vice Director of Museum Pusaka Nias Oktoberlina Telaumbanua, accompanied by another staff Hatima Farasi attended a two day conference of museum directors through out Indonesia. The conference venue was in Tanjung Pinang, the capital of Bintan Island in South Sumatra, or south of Singapore. Connecting to all of participants is

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P. Hadrian Hess

Hadrian Hess, OFM Cap returned to GermanyOn 16 September 2013 P. Hadrian Hess Nias has left Nias. Now at the age of 75 years and after 39 years of mission, he returned to Germany. In 1990, he was the driving force behind the approval for the provincial chapter of the

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